Joining a National Conversation Preventing Falls in Older People

Published on: 9th October 2023

Joining a National Conversation Preventing Falls in Older People
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We’re excited to announce our participation in the upcoming national fall prevention event, Preventing Falls in Older People, organised by Inside Government. The agenda focuses on the need for a more proactive approach to fall prevention and the opportunities to reduce fall risks among older individuals and contribute to safer, healthier communities.

The statistics speak for themselves; nearly a third of older individuals experience a fall every year. A small yet significant portion of these falls result in hospitalisation, costing the NHS an estimated £435 million annually​​. The ripple effect of falls extends beyond immediate injuries, often leading to prolonged hospital stays and a marked decline in the quality of life for the affected individuals.

The event emphasises the importance of creating and implementing effective fall prevention strategies, which sit at the core of Steady On Your Feet. Its objectives also reflect the functionalities and benefits offered by our platform, including understanding and implementing NICE guidelines, engaging in multifactorial assessment and intervention, and creating successful strategies.

Dedicated to nurturing communities, Inside Government offer training courses, resources, and insights to foster growth, development and efficiency in policy implementation and delivery. Their commitment to shaping a progressive public sector landscape makes this event a significant step towards advancing fall prevention initiatives and aligns perfectly with our values.

In particular, we’re looking forward to the interactive breakout discussions. These sessions promise a rich exchange of ideas and practical insights on fall prevention, crucial for advancing our collective efforts and impact. Engaging with peers and industry experts will broaden our understanding and provide an avenue to share how Steady On Your Feet can contribute to a collaborative and practical approach to fall prevention.

This event reminds us of our collective responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of older individuals in our communities. By pooling our knowledge and resources, we can significantly mitigate the risks associated with falls and promote a healthier, safer living environment for our ageing population.

We’re all set for an insightful experience, and we look forward to contributing to discussions, learning from like-minded partners and forging a path towards effective fall prevention across the UK. 

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Contact our team to discuss how Steady On Your Feet can help underpin your fall pathway and enhance your fall prevention strategies across your region.